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Service Details
Whether you're just passing through, looking for a church to call home, or an old friend, we would love to see you Sunday morning!
9:30 AM Sunday School
10:45 AM Worship Service
2643 N Limestone St,
Springfield, OH 45503
What We Believe
At Cornerstone Baptist Church, our faith is rooted in the divine inspiration, infallibility, and authority of the Bible, believing in one God who manifests Himself in three persons: the Father, the Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. We are anchored in the story of Christ: His virgin birth, a life devoid of sin, His death and subsequent physical resurrection, and the promise of His imminent return. All humans are inherently sinful, but by this belief in Jesus Christ can be receive the free gift of salvation to be forgiven, redeemed, and sanctified by their faith alone.
We believe that all human life is sacred, created by God, and should be protected from conception through death, regardless of age or ability, and we affirm that God creates each individual as male or female, and defines marriage as a lifelong union between one man and one woman.
The Church holds a special place in our hearts as a community of believers, brought together for evangelism, edification through scripture, the fostering of Christian fellowship, and administration of baptism and the Lord's Supper.
Get Involved
At Cornerstone Baptist Church, we encourage all individuals to actively participate in their spiritual growth through our guiding mission of change, learning, and serving. To facilitate change, we offer several small groups that meet weekly at various community locations to focus on Living Word, Intentional Relationships, Fervent Prayer, and Every Week (LIFE), providing an engaging platform for you and your family to connect, grow, and change through the gospel.
Learning is a crucial aspect of our mission, and our primary instruction sessions occur on Sunday mornings at the church. Starting with Sunday School at 9:30 am, followed by a worship service at 10:45 am, we extend a warm invitation for you to join us.
Serving is another integral part of participation at Cornerstone Baptist Church. We offer a multitude of opportunities to minister and utilize your talents in serving the Lord, either within the church or the wider community. Whether it is in music, drama, technology, nursery, women’s ministry, hospitality, missions, leadership, youth ministry, teaching, or maintenance, we strive to ensure that every person, irrespective of age, contributes in at least one area of service.
Contact Us
We warmly welcome you to reach out to us for any reason, whether that is to learn more about our church, share a prayer request, discuss a need, or discover how you can get involved! We are here to support and help you in any way we can!